New mainstream data


In a time when margins are being strained and true bottom-line growth is hard to find, we provide the leadership and expertise necessary to tackle the fundamental opportunity found in the U.S. New Mainstream Market, validated by overwhelming and consistent data as well as by the CEO’s and CMO’s of major brands.

100 Million+ PEOPLE belong to the U.S. New Mainstream Cohort

Latinos account for 25% of all U.S. box office revenues. $2.9 Billion of $11.4 Billion

Every minute, 2 Latinos turn 18 and 4 non-Latinos reach retirement age.

Latinos comprised 51% of the U.S. population growth from 2000 to 2020.

66% of Latinos are born in the U.S. 92% Speak English


Source: 2020 GDP Report, Latino Donor Collaborative

 U.S. Latinos make up the 5th Largest Global Economy,

growing faster than China and India.

MARKET DYNAMICS vs. hollywood inclusion

*2010-2019; **2010-2023

% Contribution to U.S. Population Growth (2010-2019)

Source: Pew Research Center (2020)

We prefer to look at the problems and their solutions; not just from a social justice perspective, but instead from a “smart business” approach. 

If you would like to learn more about how U.S. Latinos are growing and influencing the global market, visit the Latino Donor Collaborative for more detailed information.